Thursday, April 27, 2006

Quotes to make you think, part 2

A few months back I posted some quotes to make you think. Here's my second installment in that series. There are quite a few good quotes in here that hopefully will help you as you grow and continue on in life.

"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." – Norman Schwarzkopf, US Army general

"To succeed you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you." – Tony Dorsett, football player

"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere." – Lee Iacocca, former chairman, Chrysler Corporation

"My first order of business is to figure out the order of my business." - Gio

"We spend our lives being proactive to what we have to react to." - Gio

"A genius is a talented person who does his homework." – Thomas Edison, inventor

"The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery. You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match them to the challenge."
– Arnold Palmer, golfer

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
– John Wooden, basketball coach

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams, 6th US president

"Most battles are won before they are ever fought."
– George Patton, US Army general

"If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"
– John Wooden, basketball coach

"The road to success is always under construction."
– Lily Tomlin, actress

"Every leader needs to clearly explain the top three things the organization is working on. If you can’t, you are not leading well." – Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric chief executive

"In order to be a leader, a man must have followers. And to have followers, a man must have their confidence. Hence, the supreme quality for a leader is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible." – Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th US President

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." - Dale Carnegie

"One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks." – Malcolm S. Forbes, publisher

"Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."
– Peter F. Drucker, business strategist

"You just don’t luck into things as much as you’d like to think you do. You build step by step, whether it’s friendships or opportunities." – Barbara Bush, first lady

"An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea." – Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha

"Intense concentration hour after hour can bring out resources in people they didn’t know they had." – Edwin Land, inventor, entrepreneur

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one."
– Mark Twain, writer

"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." – E. M. Forster, writer

"Whenever you fall, pick up something." – Oswald Avery, scientist

"It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself."
– Eleanor Roosevelt, diplomat, activist

"The moment you let avoiding failure become your motivator, you’re down the path of inactivity." – Roberto Goizueta, Coca-Cola CEO

"What gets measured gets done." – Peter Drucker, educator

"You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do." – Henry Ford, automaker

"One man with courage makes a majority." - Andrew Jackson, president

"The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds."
– Tyron Edwards, theologian

"A leader is most successful when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, his troops will feel they did it themselves."
– Lao-Tzu, philosopher

"Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can’t be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people."
– Lee Iacocca, Chrysler chairman

"Work is an extension of personality. It is achievement. It is one of the ways in which a person defines himself, measures his worth – and his humanity." – Peter Drucker, author

"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don’t know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to."
– George Allen, U.S. senator

"When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."
– Alexander Graham Bell, inventor

"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." – David Brinkley, newsman

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected." – Steve Jobs, Apple Computer co-founder and chief executive

"A sale isn't a thing, it's a process. It isn't standing still, it's moving. It isn't one long job, it's a series of smaller jobs." - Anonymous

- Gio


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